
Why Do We Call It Black Friday

Finally the biggest shopping event in the year is here, Black Friday! The most happy moment for every smart shopper in the world. I hope you are really ready to join the fun hunting extra special deals. For those of you, who are not patient enough to shop, please click here, because I have many interesting shopping links and discount codes you can use. But I think not everybody understands about Black Friday and why it is very popular. Please continue to read before you jump into the hysteria.

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What Is Black Friday

Every year the United States, Canada, some of the Caribbean islands, and Liberia celebrate Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is a day of giving thanks, also to feel blessed for the harvest and for the sacrifices made every year. Even though every country has various dates and timing, Thanksgiving has the same intention. Basically, Thanksgiving has strong historical roots in religious and cultural traditions.

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The United States celebrates Thanksgiving every  fourth Thursday of November. Some countries make the day after Thanksgiving as a holiday. Since 1952, people in the United States usually start to shop on the day after Thanksgiving. They consider the day after Thanksgiving as the beginning of the Christmas shopping season.

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Because of that assumption, many shops offer their promotions and put on high discounts to generate sales. These sales are limited in time. The stores started to make huge sales on unusual hours. From here the name of Black Friday turns up. Friday comes from the day after Thursday Thanksgiving, and Black is because of many retailers starting their promotion in the early hours or even starting at midnight! The name of Black Friday itself started to become  popular around 1961.

Shop Now: Balenciaga

Black Friday In Europe

Inspired by American Black Friday, hundreds of online retailers in Germany, Austria and Switzerland have initiated joint sales. 28 November 2013 was the first Black Friday in Europe. Less than 24 hours they can invite more than a million people to come to their online shops. It generated awesome turnovers and became a big success as an online shopping moment.

Shop Now: Dr Martens, Balenciaga

Black Friday Sale is still the most popular shopping festival until today. Not only in the United States but also in every other country in the world. The tradition also grew from physical shops to online shops.

Shop Now: Converse

Shop Now!

This was my story about Black Friday Sale. And now it is time to really join the fun. All you need is only click here to find the link from your favourite shop. Get discounts up to 75% for many fashion items and house accessories. Don’t wait too long, because the sale time is limited. Please be aware that every shop has their own schedule for their promotions. But for this kind of big festival, I only have one simple advice for you: be smart and act fast!

Shop Now: Fossil

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